Become A High-Value Individual #1: Fear of Looking Stupid Is Stupid

Jamie P.
3 min readOct 5, 2022
Photo by Hu Chen on Unsplash

I know, I know.

We all fear looking stupid at some point in our lives.

It’s inevitable and frankly, necessary in order to not hurt someone’s feelings, act according to your environment or keep yourself physically safe in times of danger.

That little switch in our minds telling us “hey you, don’t do that stupid thing right now and walk into that pit of fire” is saving us from completely ruining our lives.

The point here is…

What if we let go of that voice telling us we’re “stupid” or “will look stupid” when we try that new business venture, talk to that random person on the street who can change your life forever, follow a new workout plan consisting of 75 Hard, or hug a tree in the middle of the day to ground yourself?

What if we stand up to our friends and family when it comes to our future goals?

What if we decide to marry that person who makes us the happiest but doesn’t check every box we’ve created for our “dream person”?

What if we sign up for that late night class on Wednesday evenings right after work that your parent doesn’t understand when you already have a (by their definition “successful”) career?



Jamie P.

On a journey of self-discovery — Entrepreneurship, Relationships, & God